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How to babywear toddlers?


Babywearing with a toddler or a preschooler

The only answer to the question: „How long should I wear my baby?” is: “As long as you both want to”. A few tips how to wear your toddler/preschooler comfortably – below.

  • Follow your child's needs, not forgetting about yours

Never wear your child if she or he refuses to it or you don’t want to (or are not comfortable with it). Some children refuse to babywearing as soon as they discover their feet but most of them get tired quickly and want to be worn again (at the moment they want only!)

  • Back carry – the most comfortable way to wear the toddler/preschooler

Because of the toddler/preschooler weight, the most physiological carries are back carries. But as long as it is comfortable for you–you can use front carries too (note that a kangaroo carry gives your back better support than a front wrap cross carry).

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  • For shorter – and longer distances

The choice of the perfect carry is based on the situation and your preferences. If your “passenger” changes her or his mind quickly and wants to walk after a few minutes after a decision to be worn – best would be simple and quick carries like a simple rucksack with a wrap or a carrier (ergonomic or onbuhimo).

If you decide to go for a long walk and your “passenger” likes to sit for a longer time in a carrier or even take a nap – you can consider (besides the carries described above) a double hammock too: it takes longer to tie it but it’s very comfortable for longer walks with heavier children too.

  • Thick or thin?

On the contrary to the popular opinions – every wrap, if tied correctly, will give you enough support to carry a toddler or even a preschooler comfortably. The rest is based on your preferences. Thicker and softer wraps would give you a feeling of comfort on your shoulders, important when carrying a heavy child for a longer time in a simple rucksack. Thinner wraps with a “grippy” facture will take less space in your bag and be arier. Wraps with a smooth surface will be easy to use in multi-layer carries, such as double hammock.

  • Blends

To wear your toddler/preschooler comfortably you can choose wraps/carriers with special blends: linen or hemp will give more strength while wool – softness, and comfort on the shoulders.

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  • Compact size

When walking with a toddler/preschooler – you will never know when a wrap/carrier will be needed. Sometimes you carry a wrap longer than carry a child so the size is important. A small onbuhimo carrier or a short wrap will fit in your bag better than a traditional carrier or a long wrap.

  • Ask your child

Some preschoolers have their own preferences regarding a colourway or wrap qualities. Engage your child when choosing a wrap/carrier – she or he would be happier to be worn in a carrier of their choice!

  • If you start babywearing with a toddler/preschooler…

… be patient. A child not familiar with babywearing will need time to get used to it. She or he may be less patient so it may be better to start with a carrier than a wrap.

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